And I don't want to jinx it.
But I haven't had an episode to log since Dec 1.
That's the longest stretch I've gone without one since it started... so what's up?
Is it possible that whatever was happening has healed itself? I was reading a story recently about a woman who had a brain clot/bleed which caused temporal lobe seizures but which healed itself after a few months. Could that be what's happened?
I don't know yet and for all I know it could start up again tomorrow, but I'm cautiously hopeful.
I also don't have my results from my EEG and CT scan since the neuro is on holidays and I won't see him until January 20, after the MRI. My *hope* is that the time lapse between the CT and MRI will show that something was happening and is improving over time.
We'll see....
Fingers crossed! That would be so great. xo