I don't think the meds are helping.
If anything, they are making the episodes slightly milder. But not much. Not enough to be worthwhile.
I've been on them for a month now and I thought they were helping at first, and until a few days ago I hadn't had any "bad" days or strong episodes. But then on Sunday I had the first bad day since starting the meds. Four pretty strong episodes that day and general feeling of crappiness. They weren't as strong as previous bad day episodes, but strong enough.
That was Sunday, and on Monday I had one strong one and just now (Tuesday) I've had a very strong one. Sitting at my desk in my office: strong disorientation, deja vu, dizziness, warm tingles all over my body, followed by a headache.
Not only that, but the meds are making me sad. I cry far more often and more easily than normal. I described it elsewhere as having my emotional baseline lowered. My happy isn't as happy and my sad is more sad (and frequent).
I'm worried that if I tell the neuro that the episodes are slightly milder, he will want to increase the dosage. When that thought first occurred to me, I wanted to cry.
I see him next week and I'm going to tell him all of this and I hope there is a better solution than increasing the meds, because right now the emotional side of it is manageable but if it increases I'm not sure that it will be manageable. :/
Damn. :(