Sunday, April 3, 2016

Just like Dostoyevsky

It's now been 6 weeks since I last recorded an episode in my tracker.

Four weeks on the new med.

It seems to be working.

I did have one 6-week stretch before, but even then I was having super mild activity, just not enough to record.

Now I'm having basically nothing. To the point that I sometimes forget that I have this, or think, "it's stopped so maybe I don't need the meds" (yes, I know it's the meds making it stop!). Periodically I stop and think about it because it feels weird to suddenly have nothing. I was talking to a friend about that who has lived with chronic pain and she said it's the same with her... when she doesn't have pain she has to stop and think about it and it seems strange.

I'm going to give it one more monthly cycle before coming to any conclusions, because it could come back just as quickly. But so far so good... I think the new med is helping.

Which means I will probably get a diagnosis the next time I see the neuro (in June). Partial seizures, temporal lobe. He still says complex and I still say simple, but I'm going to ask him about that and why he thinks complex (Dr Google says it usually requires a loss of consciousness, or other physical symptoms, which I haven't had... but Dr Google isn't a neurologist).

For those who want more info about what this is and means, here's a good page explaining it:

According to that article, Dostoyevsky had temporal lobe seizures too! At least I can claim something in common with a great author. ;)

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