I've now been on the Keppra for two months.
I definitely think it's helping. Not 100%, but on the right track. Before, I was having mild daily activity punctuated by strong clusters. Now the mild daily activity is virtually gone, and the clusters have not been as intense as the previous ones.
My mood is mostly ok. Two weeks ago I had several days where I felt downright depressed; I can't even remember the last time I felt that bad, and depression is not something I normally struggle with. I don't know if it was related to the meds or not, but it passed after a few days.
I'm still tired ALL the time. I think this is more about needing a vacation than the med. I've been working non-stop for the past three years so that plus various kinds of stress makes me tired. I'm making a point to schedule in more down time, and am hoping to take some days away this summer.
The Keppra does not play nicely with wine. :( It seems like other drinks are ok, but when I drink more than one glass of wine I feel crappy and woozy. When I've googled this, it says that alcohol may increase the side-effects of the Keppra, but that's not what's happening. It's like the Keppra is increasing the effects of the alcohol. But only with wine, which is sad because that's my favourite thing to drink. Now I just have to keep my amounts low. Also, an acquaintance who is a doctor said that her migraines are worse when she drinks cheap wine, but not when she drinks high-quality wine. So I'm going to try some better wine and see if it helps (doctor's orders ;).
One more month to my next neuro appointment. My prediction is that we will be increasing the dosage since it is helping. Unless something changes between now and then (which is entirely possible given how strange and unpredictable this has been since the start!).
The cheap wine thing makes sense, as the cheap wine probably has more (or different) esters.