My last blog post was celebrating that I was two months partial-free.
And then I had a cluster... in the week after that post.
But that was the only cluster over the past few months.
Today I had my neuro appointment and I told him that I've only had one cluster in the past three months since I saw him last. I also mentioned that it's been six months since my hospital visit (i.e., six months since I had the generalized seizures).
So he's letting me start driving again!
He said that as long as symptoms don't start to worsen again, I should be ok to drive.
Also, no med changes for now. I just keep doing what I'm doing for the next six months and then see him again to re-evaluate. Unless something changes for the worse, in which case I'm to stop driving and update him.
I also talked to him about how I've virtually stopped drinking (only two drinks in three months) and have dramatically reduced my caffeine intake (from 1-2 coffees per day to 2-3 per week). He said that's fine and that I should be ok with alcohol as long as I keep it down to 1 drink per day.
All good news!!
Champagne tomorrow! (but just one glass for me ;)
Yay Holly!!!