Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fall Update, Part B

Dr Mary Glen
This morning I had another doctor appointment, but for something un-brain-related. Doesn't matter what for, but the point was that I saw Dr. Mary Glen. She is now working at my regular clinic, alongside my regular GP.

She introduced herself and I said, "Actually, we've met before." She didn't remember, and I hadn't expected her to.

I told her that four years ago, she was the doctor at the walk-in clinic when I first went to talk about the strange deja vu symptoms I was having. She's the one who sent me to my first neurologist.

I told her thank you for taking me seriously, for listening and not dismissing me. I've heard some horror stories from people who have experienced the opposite from other doctors.

It's been a hell of a journey since then, but I'm still incredibly grateful for her.

On sleep, and feeling rested. 
This morning I was thinking about the fact that I am a good sleeper now. It's so weird. For 16 years I was chronically sleep-deprived. I know now that it was from extremely low iron. Then when my epilepsy started my iron was (finally) checked and was brought up to normal levels through supplements, but then I was on stupid seizure meds that made me so exhausted that the sleep didn't help. I still felt insanely tired all the time. Even when I slept and slept, I was tired.

Now--ever since I switched from Keppra to Vimpat--I sleep 7 or 8 hours, and I wake up in the morning... and... I feel good. I feel rested. I still tire out by about dinner time, but that's probably because of my brain and my meds, and that's ok.

It took me awhile to notice, and I still think it's strange. But it's also pretty cool. I'll take it.

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