Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Last night I had a meeting with a client who has brain health issues (not the same as mine). Her condition cannot be treated by western medicine and her own doctors are now telling her to explore alternatives. As a result, she has begun researching some less-conventional therapies.

In the course of her search she came across cannabis oil and has started using it. She has only been using it for a couple of weeks and is already noticing marked improvement in her symptoms. Last night she told me about this and also that it can be helpful with seizures as well.

Like me, she is skeptical of naturopathy and is not a fan of marijuana, but she is buying the oil with a higher ratio of CBD (which has the medicinal effects) and less THC (which gives the psychoactive effects).

So today I went to look it up; lo and behold, the Epilepsy Foundation has a whole page about this:

The gist of it is that studies are currently being done and there seems to be benefit to CBD for seizures. However, not enough research has been completed yet. They are recommending that if a person's seizures are not responding to regular anticonvulsants, CBD may be a good thing to try.

Something I will be thinking about and reading more about over the next while!

In other news, I have been having some mild episode activity over the past couple of days, more like the mild days I had before starting on the Keppra. So the jury is still out on whether the med is helping. I do think it's helping to a point, but not 100%. Will see. 

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