Sunday, January 10, 2016


For the past several weeks my episodes have been extremely mild and light, barely there. I just have this fleeting moment of memory, but without the dizziness or intensity of before. So I've been thinking it's getting better.

Until just now... I just had a really strong one, strongest one since possibly November. And I had the feeling that it was a replica of a previous one (same location, time of day, etc.) but when I look back in my log there isn't one that matches. Maybe that's part of the deja vu... feeling like I've had this same *episode* before, even though I haven't.

This one also came with a wave of anxiety that made my body tingle. Anxiety can be part of the temporal lobe response and was a bigger factor in some of my earlier episodes, back in Sept/Oct. Today I don't know if it was part of the episode or if I'm feeling anxiety because of such a strong episode after thinking I was getting better.

I don't know. But I'm glad that my neuro appointment is coming up soon (Jan 20). And hoping he has something helpful to tell me. I thought it was going away, and now I'm upset because it's not.


  1. Sorry to read this Holly. Of course you are upset. That's totally normal. Hugs from me, to you. I only wish there was something I could do or say that would make things better.

    1. thank you! I keep thinking "It will be better when I see the neuro" but then I remind myself that I may still not know anything after that. Trying to hope for the best.

  2. I would be upset and anxious too! I hope the neuro can figure out what is going on and has solutions for you. In the meantime, know that I am keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for the best. Hugs
